2021³âµµ Çѱ¹ÀÇ·ù»ê¾÷ÇÐȸ ±¹Á¦Çмú´ëȸ ÀÏÁ¤

President Jin-Hwa Lee Pusan National University
Senior Vice President Wol-Hee Do Chonnam National University
Chair of the Conference Mun-Young Kim Keimyung University
Subchair of the Conference Eun-Ah Yoh Keimyung University
Chair of the International Invited Fashion Exhibition Jeong-Mee Kim Pukyong National University
Chair of the Fashion Artwork Design Contest Nam-Kyung Jang Hansei University
Chair of the Digital Fashion Exhibition Young-Lim Choi Daegu University
Committee Members Dong-Eun Choi The University of Fukuchiyama
Mi-Jung Hong Keimyung University
Soo-Hyun Kim University of Arizona
Seon-Young Kim KATRI Size Korea Center
Tae-Gyou Kim Daegu Arts University
Yang-Suk Ku Kyungpook National University
Sun-Hee Lee Dong-A University
Shin-Young Lee Dong-A University
Hwa-Kyung Song Kyung-Hee University
Hee Yoo The Catholic University of Korea
Hwa-Sook Yoo University of Ulsan
Hye-Jun Yoon KITECH
Research Paper Review Chair Min-Jung Park Ewha Womans University
Research Presentation Session Chair Ho-Jeong Choo Seoul National University
Jung-Sun Huh Kyungpook National University
Joon-Seok Koh Konkuk University
Ye-Jin Lee Chungnam National University

The Society of Fashion & Texitile Industry.